Male Infertility Treatment

What Is Male Infertility?

Male infertility is a growing problem. It is referred to as a situation wherein a man can not get his female partner pregnant naturally. While conceiving a baby is generally an uncomplicated process, men with infertility find it challenging to conceive. Contrary to the common perception, male partners can be the reason behind a couple’s inability to conceive, even if the female partner is in her best health. Male infertility has several causes, ranging from genetic reasons to poor lifestyle habits. However, what’s great is that infertility treatment options are just as wide and give patients a chance to reverse the condition.

What Happens In Male Infertility Treatment

Diagnosis – Male Infertility

When an individual decides to get infertility treatment, he must undergo a comprehensive diagnosis. Now, the types of tests suggested by the fertility specialist can vary based on the doctor’s findings of the physical examination. Generally, the following tests are prescribed before male infertility treatment: 

Semen Analysis

A semen analysis test is a routine test for male infertility, which helps identify the condition’s exact cause. It involves a semen collection process in which a man has to provide his semen sample in a sterile cup for further evaluation. The next step involves studying the sperm count, concentration and movement of the sperm, and structure of the sperm. All these factors combined allow doctors to determine whether or not you can conceive a child. 

Transrectal ultrasound

This ultrasound also helps in diagnosing infertility issues. In this ultrasound, sound waves are used to produce an image of the reproductive organ. Doctors place a probe in the rectum, which directs sound waves at the surrounding ejaculatory ducts. This test helps doctors look for abnormalities or blockages in the seminal vesicles or the ejaculatory duct. 

Testicular biopsy

Testicular biopsy is suggested if the semen analysis results show very low or no sperm count. This test is performed under general anesthesia in a clinic or a lab. In this procedure, the doctor cuts the respective male’s scrotum, taking a small piece of tissue from each testicle. Then, the tissue samples are assessed under a microscope. The biopsy helps determine the cause of infertility and may also help in assisted reproduction. 

Hormonal profile

A hormonal profile test, as the name suggests, assesses your hormones. After receiving the detailed hormonal profile, the doctor studies your sperm production. Additionally, the doctor may also evaluate the levels of Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH), Luteinizing Hormone (LH), Testosterone, Prolactin, and Sex Hormone Binding Globulin (SHBG) to detect infertility in the man.

Male Infertility – Types Of Treatments

Non-Surgical Treatments for Male Infertility

The cause of male infertility varies from person to person, and so does its treatment. When it comes to non-surgical treatment for male infertility, the doctor might suggest the following treatments based on the cause of infertility: 

Anejaculation: In this condition, man can not produce semen at all. The condition is generally caused due to prior surgery, diabetes, spinal cord injury, multiple sclerosis, abnormalities present at birth, and other mental or physical problems. 

Treatment for anejaculation generally includes medicines, psychotherapy, and sex-therapy. 

Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia (CAH)

If infertility is caused due to adrenal hyperplasia, a condition that involves congenital problems in certain enzymes, the doctor might suggest hormone replacement treatment. 

Retrograde Ejaculation

This condition involves a backward flow of semen instead of the usual ejaculation and is a reason for male infertility. The condition may occur as a result of prostate or bladder surgeries, diabetes, taking antidepressants, spinal cord injury, etc. This condition is typically treated with drugs. 

Surgical Treatments for Male Infertility

Varicocele treatment: Varicocele is a leading cause of infertility in men. This condition is categorized by an enlargement of veins in the scrotum. The enlarged and swollen veins can be fixed through varicocelectomy, a surgical procedure to treat varicocele. If a varicocele is the cause behind infertility in a man, this surgery can help reverse it. You can get in touch with our vascular surgeons to get varicocelectomy at cost-effective prices. 

Azoospermia Treatment: Azoospermia is a condition in which the ejaculate does not have any sperm in it. It is generally caused due to a blockage that does not allow sperm to enter the ejaculate. This can hamper a man’s ability to impregnate a woman. Several surgical procedures, including TESA, PESA, and MESA, can help treat this condition and restore fertility.

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